Corriente Cattle

written by

Holly Stiles

posted on

March 3, 2019

Fred chose to raise Corriente cattle because of their environmental and health benefits. Not only is the meat lean and flavorful, but the cattle themselves have a reduced impact on the environment when compared with typical European beef breeds. On average, they weigh nearly 400 pounds less than European breeds, meaning that they cause less damage to soft or muddy areas. Their grazing habits also diminish the presence of weeds without harming the native bunch grasses.

Corriente Cattle can be traced back to the first Spanish boats coming to America in 1493, so you can call them the original American Cattle herd. Corriente Cattle are a hardy breed resistant to disease and parasites. They have not been genetically manipulated to be bigger and weight more like so many cattle breeds in today’s commodity marketplace.

Corriente Cattle produce a lean beef that is surprising for a red meat. Studies have found Corriente Beef to have fewer grams of fat, cholesterol, and calories then salmon, pork chops, and of course, conventional beef ( Most importantly, they taste delicious while being nutritious! There are very few locations that sell or will ship this wonderful beef to your doorstep, but Fred has put every effort into providing Corriente Beef to you.

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