From Our Farm to Your Family's Table

Pasture fed beef you can eat with confidence

About High Plains Lean Beef Company

Why Coriennte?

Located in the sunny plains of northern Colorado, High Plains Beef is a family-owned company with a passion for raising cattle. Owner Fred Stiles comes from a family of dairy farmers, veterinarians, and cattle ranchers. Today, they keep the family tradition alive by raising and selling high-quality Corriente beef.

Fred chose to raise Corriente cattle because of their environmental and health benefits. Not only is the meat lean and flavorful, but the cattle themselves have a reduced impact on the environment when compared with typical conventional breeds. On average, they weigh nearly 400 pounds less than conventional breeds, meaning that they cause less damage to soft or muddy areas. Their grazing habits also diminish the presence of weeds without harming the native bunch grasses. Overall, Corriente cattle are kinder to the environment and provide leaner, healthier beef for your family.

Corriente beef is: 

Naturally low in fat. Naturally low in cholesterol. Naturally low calories.

The diagram below compares the cholesterol, fat content and calories of Corriente beef against conventional Beef, pork chops and Chinook salmon:      



And, Corriente beef is tender, juicy, and delicious! High Plains Beef strives to provide beef that is perfect for our healthy, humane, and environmentally conscious consumers.

At High Plains Beef, the Corriente cattle are grass-fed in large lush pastures where they can roam around in a natural environment. The cattle are also supplemented with locally-grown hay, wholesome corn, oats, and barley as needed to provide a highly nutritious diet. The cattle are never treated with hormones or any unnecessary antibiotics. We believe in providing only the highest quality, nutritious, and delicious beef you can find.

Fred also sells other quality meat products so check out our store! We know you will find something you will love! Also sign up for our mailing list so you can get the latest updates on our products for sale, great recipes, and information that is helpful to you and your family.

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